
Showing posts from January 20, 2019

What do colors mean?

                                                                                                                    C O L O R   C olor can change ones mood of felling or warmth the room. But what do colors stand for? Green : green stands for life,nature, energy and green can also mean money,businesses finance ,banking jealousy.  When I think of Green I think of  a D on a violin string. When I hear the D string vibrate I see the color green.  Blue: Blue stands for the Ocean, sky, open space and freedom. It can also mean royalty and wisdom or intelligence.  When  I think of the color blue I think of  farming.  When I hear the E string on the violin I see the color blue.  Yellow: The color yellow hope, sunshine, happy, confidence , clarity, positive and honor. When I think of the color yellow I think of warmth and happiness.   Orange: When orange comes about it usually means tropic,encouragement and determination. Its funny, to the human eye we think of danger and or hot, caut