
Showing posts from September 8, 2019

Top Five Recommendations for Travel Destinations

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do! I have visited 15 different states. Since I have traveled a lot, I wanted to share five places in the US I have been and would recommend going.   1.  St. Louis, Missouri -  One of my favorite places to visit in St. Louis is the St. Louis arch. When visiting, one takes an elevator to the top of the arch and can look down at the city below.  There is also a city museum downtown that features an indoor playground with a 10-foot slide and tunnels for kids and adults. If you're looking for something free to do, St. Louis has an expansive zoo and science museum. 2.  Tennessee - This state is known for its beautiful mountains. They have some really fun things to go see Rock City, like caves and tunnels formed by rocks on top of Lookout Mountain. Ruby Falls, another cave that is 126 feet below the surface of the Earth, has a waterfall in the middle of the cave. Tennessee can boast that it has the steepest mountain in the world, as Incline