What to do when studying

What to do when studying

 I was recently looking at my grades in my class and decided to write them down. Next to it I put what I need to work on. Following that I said what do I need to do to improve my grade? What can I do to improve my grade from my observations, how can I make it fun? I sat and thought and came up with some ideas to answer my question. 

  • Turn it into a game 
  • Make a story out of it if possible 
  • Do a roleplay to make it intresting 
  • Study in different enviorments
  • Treat urself (try to not to eat it before finsihing my project)
  • Make a mnemonics ex:(never eat soggy waffles)
  • use vibrate color pens or and paper.
  • watch the movie or read the book (reading it is going to be boring , unless your into that stuff)


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